Abilitarea economică pentru tinere absolvente din gimnazii, Calarasi
Tinerii din Calarasi la fel au beneficiat de training de instruire privind riscurile somajului tinerilor si oportunitati de angajare si creare a carierei profesionale organizat de AO Femeia pentru Societatea Contemporană a cu suportul financiar al Ambasadei Norvegiei la București.
Abilitarea economică pentru tinere absolvente din gimnazii, Comrat
Tinerii din Comrat la fel au beneficiat de training de instruire privind riscurile somajului tinerilor si oportunitati de angajare si creare a carierei profesionale organizat de AO Femeia pentru Societatea Contemporană a cu suportul financiar al Ambasadei Norvegiei la București.
Abilitarea economică pentru tinere absolvente din gimnazii, Calarasi.
AO Femeia pentru Societatea Contemporană a realizat proiectul Abilitarea economică pentru tinere absolvente din gimnazii din raioanele Călărași, Ungheni și Comrat cu suportul financiar al Ambasadei Norvegiei la București. A realizat training de formare vocațioală pentru 60 de tinere, a susținut financiar și logistic în procesul de perfectare a actelor de indentitate și angajarea în campul muncii.
Though attempts have been made to identify and change procedures in the spheres of law, politics, and administration which factor into the problem of gender inequality, the goal of equality is still far from being reached. The existing various methods that have been used in trying to urge the public to fight for gender equality are usually dependent upon specific situations, but they often fail to take into account social, economic, political, cultural and technological changes. In the past there has not been a concrete system or way of organization that we could successfully analyze in order to evaluate and do a follow-up of the successes and failures, so it has been hard to come to a conclusion regarding how to solve gender inequality.
A necessary impulse of achieving equality is to look at issues of gender. It is important to stimulate sensitivity and awareness with regards to women’s human rights in the academic arena in researching proposed aspect. It is significant to support the women studies efforts; feminist research; strengthen and expand networking at the local, national, and international level. As equally important, the areas of work have to include the issues of disadvantaged women from minorities children, the elderly, and women with the disabilities.
To support and attain the various principles stipulated in the Constitution regarding gender equality, and in order to push for changes towards democracy, there needs to be an adjustment and revision of laws, and a building up of knowledge and understanding surrounding gender and basic human rights issues.
We need to consider various structures of organizations so that there is a strong foundation with which to conduct meaningful activities. There also needs to be a consideration of the advantages, disadvantages, and possibilities with regards to future trends of societal development. Above all, recognition in the importance of creating a civil society where women’s presence is felt and their participation is equal, substantial and constructive.
The objectives of the Program for Women and Law Development are as follows:
- To stimulate sensitivity and awareness with regards to substantive gender equality and women’s human rights in the academic arena, women in power, rural women and youth
- To support the women studies efforts; research; strengthen and expand networking at the local and national levels.
- To support and attain the various human rights principles and gender equality as stipulated in the Constitution and other relevant international documents.
- To support efforts towards an adjustment and revision of laws, and a building up of knowledge and understanding surrounding gender and basic human rights issues.