Review Overview
Mirroring the EU’s long-standing objectives and priorities, the Resolution (draft version A/C.3/74/L.10/Rev.1(link is external)) reiterates the importance of prevention and explicitly encourages national authorities to end impunity for the perpetrators, acknowledging that trafficking in persons is fuelled by high profits and the demand that fosters all forms of exploitation. Importantly, the resolution acknowledges that trafficking in persons disproportionately affects women and girls, who are particularly vulnerable to trafficking for the purposes of sexual exploitation. By highlighting such patterns, the resolution contributes in strengthening our joint efforts for accountability towards the victims, by ensuring that such phenomena are neither normalised not deprioritised.
15 November 2019, New York – Today the United Nations General Assembly Third Committee (Social, Humanitarian and Cultural) adopted a Resolution on Improving the Coordination Efforts against Trafficking in Human Beings, facilitated by Belarus. The European Union welcomes the ground-breaking reference to the mandate of the EU Anti-trafficking Coordinator as it is the first time that such a reference is included.
The EU has aligned its development cooperation to the 2030 Agenda, which address trafficking in human beings under targets 5.2, 8.7 and 16.2. These must be equally addressed so that no girls, boys, women, and men are left behind in any form of exploitation.
The EU, at the forefront with its Member States, remains committed to multilateralism, working closely with international partners to promote adherence to international legal standards on trafficking in persons, in line with UNTOC and the Palermo Protocols.